Saturday, February 4, 2012

January 2012

Happy 2012

The Year of the Dragon!  According to Chinese beliefs, this year is suppose to exceptionally lucky.  I've never been a person to depend on "luck" to make things happen for myself or family.  I have been more successful through exercising faith, prayer and perserverance.  I know, that sounds a little boring but when that is pretty much all you have then it makes sense. 

I'm an empty nester and have been for almost eight years.  That is a long time to live in an empty nest.  Well, can you really call it an empty nest when that nest still has two occupants?  So, at my current age, I find myself spending an over abundance of quality time with myself and mostly with a 21 inches short-legged hairy best friend name Oscar.  Oscar is my long-haird daschund. 

I'm looking forward to see if the Year of the Dragon will change my luck. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Reflection

I've had this blog for quite sometime but didn't do much with it until today. One of my goals during my break was to try and post something of interest on my "Shi-Blog." Meaning my blog, I know, creative right? I think what I most want to share what is important to me.

The greatest blessing in my life are my children my two daughters and four foster sons. My daughters and I have always referred to ourselves as three peas in a pod.
My first foster son came into my life when I was a young mother to a three year old and an an 8 month old baby. My new son Darrell was a senior in high school who needed a home. Being 21 and being a mother to a soon to be 18 year old was interesting. My next three sons came into my life in the year 2001 when I worked for Southern Pueblo Agency in Laguna Pueblo.